Carnival Multiplay

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Circus do you think you have heard this word in last few years or in last decade? Have you taken your kid to circus or carnival? So to answer this questions our team has crafted a design to make children feel and experience the word carnival.

This product not only give view of carnival but will make the kid feel to be a part of it. It’s a true tone of happiness.

In this product the canopy reflects the essence of theme and produce the impact on children to be in the theme. Spin and play is our new innovation which helps the kid to spin it and play through the article it showed.

The little set of articles help them to know about the things that are there in the carnival. Also we have placed a ticket counter where the children can act to be a part of running a carnival. We also focused on the trending things and then we placed a photo area for children with the jocker face.

Specification :

Area of product : 30’-0” * 16’-0”
Safe play area : 40’-0” * 26’-0”
Max fall height : 5’-0”
Age group : 4 to 10 years

Note : 18 to 20 children Play At A Time


Closing panels with wonderful paintings
Little art articles
Photo clique
Aesthetic canopy
Ticket counter for role play drama.
Spinner for spin and play
Curtain balcony
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